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Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

September 1 - September 30

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
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Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

September 1 - September 30

September marks both Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and Gynecological Cancer Awareness Month, serving as a crucial platform for transforming ovarian cancer outcomes. With gynecologic cancers accounting for 19% of annual cancer cases in women, and ovarian cancer remaining the deadliest among them, this month-long spotlight brings together medical professionals, researchers, advocates, and communities worldwide for coordinated action.

According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 19,000 women in the U.S. are diagnosed with ovarian cancer annually, with nearly 13,000 losing their lives to the disease. However, there is hope: when detected early, the five-year survival rate exceeds 90%, though currently only 20% of cases are caught at this early stage.

Throughout September, healthcare institutions and advocacy groups unite to advance early detection strategies, push for increased research funding, and improve patient support systems. The focus extends beyond medical breakthroughs to address the full spectrum of patient needs, from innovative treatment options to comprehensive support programs. It’s a time when policymakers, healthcare providers, and the public collaborate to tackle both medical and systemic challenges facing ovarian cancer patients.

Whether you’re a patient, survivor, caregiver, or supporter, September offers countless ways to join the fight against gynecologic cancers. Participants can support the cause through social media campaigns, educational events, and fundraising initiatives.

Relevant hashtags: #OvarianCancerMonth, #GynCancerMonth


September 1
September 30


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